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Internal HR vs External HR

Comparison of Human Resources


HR Comparison

Internal HR

External HR

Department Payroll

(HR Managers, HR assistants, Recruiters, admin, etc)


Average HR Dept Payroll



Low end Mid Level Business HR Dept Payroll


Hiring Cost

Between $2500-$7000


With an Average cost of $5000 per hire

Recruiting Cost

(Advertising, travel, job fairs, testing, background checks, referral bonuses, etc)

These cost per hire average between $1000-$5000 per hire in addition to your HR Department personnel salaries.


Risk Management

(reputation, law suits, etc.)

Your company assumes all risk that comes with each hire.

Silicon Staffing assumes all hiring and termination processes and risk !

The Wrong Hire

(cost of recruiting, training, OnBoarding )

This can cost upwards of just $5000 at a minimum

We provide highly committed validated candidates but if it doesnt work out, we will provide another candidate free of charge

Criminal History Check

(Court Clerk Verification)

Addition fee per candidate
Included in the Fee

Financial History Check

(Credit Agencies & Public Records)

Additional fee per candidate
Included in the Fee


(Based on hiring criteria)

Additional fee per candidate + HR Personal hours expended

Included in the Fee


*Limitations Apply


(Based on hiring criteria)

Additional labor hours expanded
OnBoarding Assistance reduces company labor hours

Scheduling & Calendaring

Additional labor hours expended
Included in the Fee


(Post Hire Clerical Admin Client Support)

Additional labor hours expended
OnBoarding Assistance reduces company labor hours

Cost of 10 Annual Hires

HR Dept. Personnel Salary $200,000

Recruiting Cost $50,000

Assuming each hire is a great fit and there are no bad hires.

Average Salary: $65,000


HR Dept. Personnel Salary

Recruiting Fee $50,000

Ready replacements at no cost.

Average Salary: $51,000
$14,000 saved per employee
